Monday, September 15, 2008

Roman Rumble

I was SO proud of myself completing my first 5K! I did not stop running at all (except once to tie my shoe) and I finished in 28:00 minutes. 3 minutes faster than my fastest treadmill time. I think that it was the adrenaline. This weekend we also went camping, which was so much fun and we jumped off a 25 foot jump into a swimming hole. I have to say that was one of the most terrifying things ever. To make that initial jump off and trust that you are going to hit the water the way you are supposed to. . .eek. . .Several firsts for me this weekend.

1 comment:

Carmen said...

Reminds me of the time (8 damn years ago!) that I jumped off Little River Falls at Little River Canyon. 45 feet. I thought I was dead when I hit the water. I should have taken photos of my leg. Words cannot describe how screwed up it was. Glad I did it, but so never doing that one again...a smaller waterfall maybe. (And anyway, they have a permanent guard at Little River now b/c so many people have been hurt (and someone died) jumping off....). But ah how proud! What a story! What adrenaline/terror!